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Hello fellow developers and guest. I like to introduce myself and tell u some pointers of the software game also some mistakes over the years that end up very costly and disappointing. My name is Matthew Paul Cramer the original creator of natural energy internet and mulitable tracking control software. .Also perfection makes perfection (pmp) That is now use in colleges for students to learn . I also created webxrebel that has been changed into a new name that I received no profit from all because I didn't have a patent .And my very first software millialuvbugbunny4u a web traffic controller that is a very popular that many companies are currently using. The software Goldeylox1x that is a debugging software that I've created has fix so many applications and solve many problems that you wouldn't believe . .All of these software that I named has made so many applications and technology that changed the world and selfish profit of never ending gain . So I've created a software that millions use and I don't receive any credit . YES !!! This is true .The software game is very conflicting and so corrupt that before u get started ask yourself is worth it. I say yes . Even though I've been lied to and used I still tell myself I didn't do for the money . I really didn't . Just wanted to make this world a better place and affordable .Even though I have been compromised I will never quit and take this as a learning curve and learn my mistakes . The most commonly mistake is forgetting your password . I would if I was you . Is either write it down or have one u can easily use just a suggestion. Another word of advice whenever u have a idea make sure u patent it before you publish it . Even though it sounds good from trusted companies you thought were trusted are usually not . Be very careful who your third party is . Also if ur doing any type of work make sure you have a written sign contract that's not digital . Hands down use a laptop or cpu not a cell phone and be very careful on what programming language you use. Never hand out your password or let any use any of your devices.Always read the policy before checking yes . Never get impulsive to make any un rational acts or choices in this business one mistake can be very depttamental and cause a lot of stress .My suggestion before making a choice towards your future try sleeping it over or discuss with people u trust .Most important the day you let the computer order you is the day you stop being a developer . Remember you are never too old to learn so always read on new ideas and literature on this industry that changes everyday. Literally . . Learning and researching is a must . One more thing if is it too easy than it's too good to be true . Everything takes hard work .Hard Work will never be ignored .Furthermore even though I didn't receive any profit or credit . I'm still glad that my work is being used for good hopefully . Only time will tell . I am still the original creator which means I 'm always in control hahaha . And that's what u really have to do is just laugh about it and move on . I'm glad this experience has happened to me really because this only means that I am one of the best software engineer in the world that made incredible software that the entire world use . At the end of the day honest developers defeat corrupt companies that fall sooner or later . Overall people don't like ugly . Popularity is what makes profit at the end of the day . Black Hats usually the last to pick for anything . Black Hats uses basic code that are constantly going in out of jail and struggle with self estem. There really not good programers just misguided and needs a good teacher.Black hats are hackers that get into roots and steal networks and clients info to take their hard earned money . Also traitors that discover secrets to sell other countries our next moves .Black hats are usually ones with thick glasses and no friends . Hey just being honest . I am very confident and very capable to earn enough money to be comfortable and stress free and live a pretty envy life that blackhats wil probaly never have .Simply because no one likes a theif. .Another suggestion to the guest try not to be burned out to soon. There is a finish line to cross just take ur time to cross it ok ?. Slow turtle wins the race . And try to pay attention to small details . Finally never give up on what you love to do even if it's working for free. Always dream for good and not greed . You will be great one day just one step at a time . Follow your heart . Always go with your instincts they never fail . Go in preparing the worst and come out in frist without a care knowing you are the best that you know. No one can take that from you . Taking credit and money is one thing . You make your own identity it's what u make of it . Is what matters . Never give up and make every mistake a lesson not to do again . Don't always believe u read . Trust in your second thoughts and never stop believing in yourself. There's always sunshine after the rain it just takes a captain to make across the storm . Be that Campton and build your own ship .Being innovator requires lots of patients and lots of gratitude. Assume the possibilities of positive outcome and return much rather focusing on dollars signs. People always make mistakes . The ones that usually makes it understands why . Once u understand why there's nothing will stop you . It all starts from reading . So what you waiting for . Class begin.

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